In the second season of Daredevil, a new villain is introduced. Frank Castle, known as the Punisher and played brilliantly by Jon Bernthal, has been systematically killing off members of three gangs in the city. So, he is already a mass murderer with a twist — he only kills bad guys. But he is also a very complex character — a war veteran whose entire family was killed.
Another plot concerns the return of Matt’s old flame Electra — a woman who shares Matt’s fighting skills and is involved in a fight against the Yakuza, an international Japanese gang. Of course, she solicits Matt’s aid in this fight. Another blast from the past this season is Stick, Matt’s old mentor and trainer. He is also fighting the Yakuza, but he refers to the fight as an “ancient war.”
Matt’s involvement with Elektra and Stick takes him away from an important court case, getting his partner Foggy in a bunch, while Karen Page, his legal assistant, also upset with Matt, takes off investigating things on her own in her usual haphazard fashion.
But if Vincent D’Onofrio as Fisk stole the show in Season 1, Jon Bernthal, late of The Walking Dead, is the one to watch this time around. The range of emotions of this character go from maniacal to thoughtful to miserable over the loss of his family.
Watch this season of Daredevil. It has it all.